Navigate to your Greenline Dashboard
Click here
Click "Security roles"
Click "Create security role"
Name the role "Sticky Cards". You can add "Manage loyalty-related settings" as the description (optional). Hit "Save"
Click "Edit Permissions" for your new Sticky Cards security role
Under Dashboard-General, enable the following permissions:
"Can use administrative dashboard"
"Can edit company details"
"Can manage integrations"
Under Dashboard - Products and Inventory, enable the following permissions:
"Can view discounts"
"Can edit discounts"
Under Dashboard - Customers, enable the following permissions:
"Can view customers"
"Can edit customers"
"Can view loyalty tiers"
"Can edit loyalty tiers"
You're now ready to add Sticky Cards as a user with the "Sticky Cards" security role. Please use the email address provided by your Sticky Cards