
Stop Getting
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Messages Delivered 100% Delivery Every Time

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    Schedule a 15 min demo with our specialists and get a free quote.

    See the easy customer experience yourself.

    Scan To Try
    or Click to add to wallet

    Integrated POS Partners

    Rewards That Pay Off

    Customize points and rewards tailored to YOUR business.

    Fully-compliable with cannabis advertising regulations.

    Budtender-friendly - plus our support team is on standby.

    Easy Rewards.
    No Apps. No SMS.

    Simple steps to sign up:


    QR code to add to their digital wallet in seconds.


    Earn rewards in-store with a scan at checkout.


    Keep them coming back with unlimited notifications.

    Seamless Integration

    Join Canada's only no-app loyalty program, designed for cannabis retailers.

    Instant Sign-Up, No Contracts

    Get started today with flexible monthly billing.

    Quick Setup

    Launch within 24 hours, compatible with major POS systems like Cova and Treez.

    Fast Onboarding

    Set up your loyalty program within 24 hours and connect it with any existing system.

    0 %

    increase in retention can boost profits by up to

    0 %

    Loyalty members spend 67% more on average than new ones.

    Cannabis Loyalty Mutiple Hearts

    Experts in Dispensary Loyalty Launches.

    Access to loyalty specialists

    Make your launch a success with access to a team of loyalty specialists. We ensure you're set up for success.

    30-Day Success Plan

    Follow a proven 30-Day Action Plan to successfully launch your dispensary’s loyalty program.

    Branded In-Store Material

    Get custom designs made for your store with the help from our expert graphic designers.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why should I choose Sticky Cards for my dispensary’s loyalty?

    Our focus is on the customer experience. A happy customer means they'll keep coming back. Plus, you can send as many messages as you want, easily work with your POS system, and there are no contracts to sign!

    Is getting started long or difficult?

    Nope! We connect Sticky Cards with your POS system, design your card, and make any marketing posters in less than 24 hours.

    Can Sticky Cards reduce my advertising costs?

    Absolutely! Not only do we have a fixed monthly cost, your customers are automatically coming back now to earn points and rewards. Also, now customers also receive offers directly to their phones. Everything is simple and cost-effective.

    I already have a loyalty program, will my cutomers lose their points?

    No worries! We can connect with your program, providing a digital card for your customers to quickly point-check and receive notifications. We've assisted many dispensaries in moving away from outdated SMS loyalty programs.

    Get A Quick Demo

    Schedule a 15 min demo with our specialists and get a free quote.

    Ready to Level Up
    Your Cannabis Loyalty?

    Schedule a quick 15 minute demo with one of our specialists. Select a time in the calendar that works for you.